Monthly Archives: April 2010

Spring Concert

A few photos from the Spring Concert last Thursday…

Saaaay, who’s that old guy with the trumpet?

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Its been a loooong time since Mr. D stayed up all night long but I figured if a bunch of our band kids, several more chaperones, Mr. A and Mr. Sink could do it, I could too.  After all was said and done I’m inclined to believe that the grown-ups had as much, if not more fun than the kids.  The kids played video games, watched movies and had chair races (ya had to be there), us grown ups played card games and board games and seemed to be a good bit louder than the kids…maybe thats why they were giving us such funny looks.   Surprisingly enough only a few went to sleep and didn’t greet the sun as it came up Saturday morning….

Here’s a few pics…

More to come…

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