Monthly Archives: May 2011

Wow! What a Ride!

With the 2010-2011 school year almost over, its time to recognize a few folks.  First off, lets recognize the Northgate High School Band’s Section Leaders and Officers for 2011-2012…

Section Leaders

Flutes – Maddy Robinson & Christine Mezzatesta

Clarinets – Meagan Raley & Darian Kuxhouse

Saxophones – Brad Thorne & Gretchen Houser

Mellophones – Jordan Griffie

Trumpets – Josh Burnholtz & Chris Sandor

Low Brass – Garrett Stevens & Austin Bishop

Percussion – Kaitlyn Campbell & Walker Masdon

Guard Captains – Elizabeth Domzalski, Kelsey Armstrong & Amelia Ragland

(Brass and Woodwinds Section leaders will be selected and announced in the fall)

Band Officers

Historians – Ramsey Flood & Shelby Edmonds

Travel Captain – Chris Sandor

Equipment Captains – Garrett Stevens & Walker Masdon

Librarians – Brandi Huggins & Jennah Marston

Vice President – Maddie Robinson

President – Meagan Raley

Drum Majors – Amber Smith & Braden Woodruff

Next up I’d like to introduce the bandblog team for 2011-2012.   Give it up for (in no particular order) Jack Bushong, Kelly Gillespie and Beth Lyons.  I know next year the blog will be in good, creative hands and I can’t wait to see what they bring to the blog and how they will keep making it better and better.

Lastly I’d like to recognize our graduating seniors one more time.  You’ve had an incredible year.  You’ve worked hard and in the mean time you’re made it a lot of fun.  Best wishes to all of you in everything you do.

Now, with Ashley graduating this coming Friday, the time has come for Mr. D to say goodbye as your bandblogger.  I had no idea when I pitched this idea to Mr. A a little over two years ago that it would go over as well as it has.

The bandblog was originally envisioned simply as a way for family and friends at home to see what all was going on at band camp.  A way for parents to see their students’ shiny, albeit sweaty, faces and to know that they’re still alive, healthy and well taken care of.  We weren’t even home from band camp the first year the blog was in existence when we realized we had something good going on.  From there it was a natural progression for the blog to be used to chronicle summer and fall practices, half time performances, fun and mischief in the stadium stands, trips, contests, winterguard and winter percussion shows, concerts and more.

Now, 2 years, 141 posts and nearly 15,000 hits later…I’d say its gone over pretty well.

Thanks to Mr. A who let me go forward with this blog and for giving me a vote of confidence by allowing me to publish it largely unsupervised and trusting that I would not post anything that would tarnish the image of our program.  Thanks to all of you who have have complimented me on the blog.  While I often tried to redirect compliments toward the kids, deep down I took great pride in those compliments, knowing that people really were enjoying the blog.  Its a little like the crowd reaction the kids experience during a performance…It stirs something inside and you want more of it, so you consistently push just a little harder to be just a little better.

I have to admit, when we came into the program four years ago, having not been involved in band in high school, I had no idea what we were getting into and no idea what to expect.  There have been a lot of ups and downs and triumphs and tribulations but all in all I’ve had a blast.  I’ve tremendously enjoyed being around the kids, the staff and my fellow band parents.  You’re all made it a great experience.  If I can give a piece of advise to our band parents, present and future, it would simply be get involved.  Get off your can, get out of the stands  and do something.  Help out with all day practices, be a chaperon, work RenFest, spread pine straw, help with the winter units, help out at Valhalla, cook burgers or fries for the concession stand.  There are so many ways that one can get involved, all of those things are necessary and important.  you get a sense of belonging and you’re not just a parent watching from the stands…you’re part of the organization and you’re making a difference.

I saw this quote on a good friend’s FaceBook page.  While the quote is about life in general, I think sums up my own Northgate band experience and what I’m trying to say… “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”

As I bring this post to a close I can truly say its been real, its been fun and…WOW! What a ride!!


Mr. D

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